Electromyography (EMG)
Electromyography involves the recording of electrical signals from skeletal muscle using hypodermic needles that have a central electrode running down their centre and insulated from the outside of the needle. The potential changes between the muscle fibres in contact with the central electrode are measured relative to the surrounding tissue that is in contact with the exterior surface of the needle.
Normal skeletal muscle may have action potentials due to the resting tone of that muscle, and these are generated as a result of action potentials in the alpha motoneurones that innervate them. If the patient is asked to relax that muscle, these potentials (shown below) often disappear.
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Denervated skeletal muscle fibres produce some spontaneous electrical activity called fibrillation potentials: these are NOT action potentials, but smaller in size and duration and irregular in time and voltage. Unlike skeletal muscle action potentials they are not conducted along the length of the muscle fibre, but are loacl potentials.
Fibrillation Potentials are generated by denervated muscles cells and appear after the nerves to the muscle have degenerated at a time when the nicotinic receptors (normally confined to the post-synaptic membrane of the nerve-muscle junction) appear along the whole surface of the muscle fibre.
However the connection between these two events is not fully established.
The recording shows fibrillation potentials from a denervated muscle. |
When alpha motoneurones make contact with skeletal muscle fibres during the process of reinnervation, the contacts are not arranged in the original manner.
In a normal muscle the branches of the alpha motoneurones are distributed across a wide area of the muscle to innervate skeletal muscle fibres that are often separated by significant distances.
After reinnervation, the muscle fibres innervated by a single motoneurone tend to be close together: as a result a concentric needle electrode picks up potentials from several muscle fibres in the same 'new' motor unit.
The time of arrival of action potentials in the different muscle fibres being recorded is not simulataneous because of variations in the conduction velocity or length of the individual branches of the alpha motoneurone, and the site of the nerve muscle junctions.
The diagram shows some of this vatiation, and the electrical potentials being recorded from several musle fibres simulataneously. These motor unit potentials are large because of summation of potentials arising from different muscle fibres, and irregular because of the different times of arrival of the potenials at the electrode. However the irregularity in shape is constant, indicating that all the components arise from the same motoneurone.
The irregulatiy in shape also extends to the action potentials having peaks at different times, speak over a much longer time scale than one would expect normally, as shown below. |
After regeneration of axons, a contact between the motoneurone and the skeletal muscle begins to function normally. The fibrillation potentials cease, and the expression of nicotinic receptors is again confined to the nerve muscle junction. The skeletal muscle produces action potentials.
Large Motor Unit Potentials. One of the changes that occurs after regeneration is the number of muscle fibres innervated by each motoneurone. Some motor units increase in size considerably.
Electromyography shows the action potentials to be large in size, and irregular (but constant) in shape, because the electrode picks up voltages generated in several neighbouring skeletal muscle fibres, each activated at different times, by the same motoneurone.
Hence, in the diagram opposite, complex potentials are seen consistently, with some of the components being separated by up to several tens of milliseconds. |
Sweep speed = 10 ms/div; Sensitivity = 1.0mV/div |
EMG analysis of Disorders of the Nerve Muscle Junction |
ElectroMyoGraphy (EMG) is an important investigation in the diagnosis of diseases of the nerve-muscle junction, such as Myaesthenia Gravis and the Eaton-Lambert Syndrome.
The basis method involves repetitive electrical stimulation of a superficial muscle nerve such as the median nerve above the flexor retinaculum or common peroneal nerve at the neck of the fibula, and recording of electrical activity from the muscles that are innervated by these nerves.
In a normal subject repetitive electrical stimulation always produces identical electrical responses from muscle to each stimulus.
In Myaesthenia Gravis the responses of the muscle get less with successive repeated stimuli. This is due to the abnormaities of the nicotinic recptor within the post-synaptic membrane in this condition.
In the Eaton-Lambert Syndrome, there are again abnormalities in nerve-muscle transmission, but in this condition the problem is in the release of the transmitter acetylcholine from the pre-synaptic membrane.
The recordings show the muscle EMG elicited during a repetitive burst of electrical stimulation of the motor nerve (at the vertical arrows). In myaesthnia gravis, the size of the muscle potential diminishes during the repetitive tran of stimuli, indicating a failure of transmission at the NMJ. |
In myaesthenia gravis, the folds of the post-synaptic membrane are smaller and the number of nicotinic receptors on these membranes is also reduced, which explains the failure of neurotransmission. |